Instructor Education Kit

The Instructor Education Kit is included in the cost of tuition, for students who pay for the full program. Transfer students are responsible to purchase the education kit at an additional cost from the published tuition.

The Skill Cards App

The Cutting System, The Men’s Cutting System, The Color System, and The Texture System skill cards are designed to help the learner build good habits, a clear understanding of practical theories, and a strong foundation of kinesthetic skills.

These skill cards are a quick reference for reviewing the fundamental principles of technical skills. Included are valuable key points, diagrams, step-by-step directions, technical adaptations, color formulas, product information, details on texture and formation, and much, much more. For practical work, these skill cards may be used in the classroom and the clinic classroom and as a study guide.

The Skill Cards are also available as an app in English and Spanish.

Transfer students are responsible to purchase the education kit at an additional cost from the tuition. The cost of the education kit is $10.60.